Back to Flickr!

Long ago, in 2004, I joined what was the most amazing community of photographers and people who liked photos: Flickr. In 2005, Yahoo bought Flickr and over the years the Yahooeyness of it all (along with some of the blatant security and privacy gaffes by Yahoo themselves) led me to use the service less and less. When Yahoo was bought by Verizon (no wait, it was renamed Oath so that it's Verizonocity was lightly veiled from the average viewer). The way Oath was committed to using all their properties for advertising and nothing else led me to delete my entire Yahoo account, including my Flickr account (which at that time required Yahoo to access). So long photos and "Member since 2004" badge.

Fast forward to 2018, and photography mainstay SmugMug acquired Flickr from Verizon (who had dumped the Oath name and written off the business unit) and has taken all the steps I needed to see to de-Yahoo it such that I signed up again and am happily loading photos back into it. So as of today, I added a "Photostream" link to the menu bar on Pragmatically Cynical that will take you to my Flickr site. Alternatively, you can get there directly by going to Take a look, follow me, let me know what you think of the shots (I'll keep adding more). Also, let me know where I can find your photos on Flickr.

I'm so excited that Flickr is back - come (re)join the community!

P.S. Because Flickr is now the opposite of ad-supported, and not making money off the data, please consider taking a look at the Flickr Pro option, which is a great deal and gives you endless space for photos to last a lifetime, and supports this amazing offering.


Thanks to Blockland Solutions


Speaking at Altitude