Come See Me Speak at ALAAC16

For those of you that might be attending, I will be speaking at the ALA Annual Conference at the NISO/BISG 10th Annual Forums: The Changing Standards Landscape: The User's Experience on Friday June 24 and runs from 12:00-16:00 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.I'll bet you'll never guess what I'll be speaking about.  That's right, it will be all about privacy - specifically the NISO Privacy Framework that I was part of the effort to create last summer, and are now final. Along with Nettie Lagace of NISO and Michael Robinson of the University of Alaska, we will cover the creation of the framework, some of the expectations of the framework, how it can (and has) been implemented as well as a brief look at what's next for this important topic.Of course, this will be only one topic in an afternoon chock-full of discussions all around the evolution of the user experience in libraries, from patron attitudes on digital library usage, to privacy and accessibility and more.  It is set to be a great day.  Thanks to NISO and BISG for putting this event together and asking me to come share my perspective.Here is the link to the full event description: the link for which you can register your intention to attend: lastly, the link to the page in which you can add it to your schedule which will appear in the ALA Conference Mobile Application: look forward to seeing you in Orlando! 


Today, I wrote a letter...


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