Welcome to Even More Cynical

No, this is definitely not a post about all the New Years Resolutions I am (not) making. However, I have been thinking about ways to use Pragmatically Cynical a little more as an outlet for my creativity, my (muted) opinions and observations on security, privacy, and technology as well as some of the things I do to keep busy in the moments between working and being a father and husband.I want to post a reminder that everything on this site is my own personal thoughts, beliefs and insights and do not necessarily reflect that of any employer or client I have, had or will have. I do not take payment for anything that I write here, and if that is ever to change, I will make it abundantly clear (likely because I will be noticeably befuddled that someone wants to trade me perfectly spendable money for the blather that is rattling around in the claptrap of my brain). [Update: I do use Amazon Associates referrer links, and I do get paid (tiny sums) for that, but never from the manufacturer of a product]Here is what I am thinking:1) More post, on a more regular basis. I want to get myself into a rhythm of posting when things come to mind and not just when some major security malady or risk, or violation of our collective privacy takes place (or when a new model phone/tablet/watch/computer/games console/toy/speaker/shiny thing comes out that I have to see and play with)2) Wider diversity. On the side of the blog, there is a set of categories that I consider myself capable of talking meaningfully about. Now notice (and this may not be true if you come back in June 2016 if I stick to my plans) that there are very teeny-tiny numbers next to the things like "technology", "space", "science", and "triathlon." I'm going to fix that problem with more posts (see number 1 above) on more topics. Who knows, I might even just add some new categories; we shall see!3) Photographs. I take a lot (ask my wife and son - a LOT) of photographs as we are out and about. I will post the interesting ones to my Instagram and those that are really worthy will get cross-posted here to the blog. Look forward to pictures of places I visit, odd books I run across, fun street signs, people I encounter that are of interest or just a cool shot from out an airplane window. I do commit to not posting pictures of restaurant food (no matter how yummy it is in real life, the taste does not port to the photo), but I may post picture of the process of making food if that happens.4) Audio and Videos (?). I keep wanting to do a podcast or make videos of things, especially technology that I am using and enjoying. However, there are so many people doing this that I am continually stopping myself as it is very hard to hear the signal through the noise. If I can find a way to do this that is different or has a way to cut through the noise, I will do so. I promise, no videos of my son's Latin presentations or vacation slide show animated through the magic of iPhoto/iMovie, but watch this space in case I decide to pursue this one. I have been told I could be good at this, but I am just not sure yet how to go about it. If you have ideas, please let me know!So there you have it - well a plan for it at least. I will be just as cynical, sarcastic and pedantic as ever, but just (hopefully) more of it.

  • All blog posts will show up on my Twitter stream. Some of them with more business-ey applicability will also be posted to my LinkedIn stream.
  • If you are as set in your ways as I am and long for Bloglines to return from beyond the grave, please put the site into your RSS Reader (Feedly is a good one that I use.)
  • If you would like to get a pushed email when I post, please sign up at the Subscribe via Email widget to the right on every page on the site.

I look forward to doing more on this site and to you reading it, commenting on it and hopefully taking one or two things of interest from it every once in a while. Thanks for reading!


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